I am not a football fan. The last thing i’d want to do is sit down and watch a boring game of football. I mean why call it “Foot”ball? The only times you use your feet in that game is kicking off and field goals! (I don’t know much about this sport so don’t blame me because I’m probably wrong) Why not call it Handball, or pointy oval ball?  Well whatever, point is that I don’t like any of the teams and that I deeply dislike the game so I rarely watch football.

Well yesterday the biggest day in football happened, The Superbowl. I only watch the commercials and ignore the rest of the game. Some commercials really caught my eye yesterday. So at dinner our family rated the top three,  Here they are…

These ads are my favorite because, well JUST WATCH ‘EM!!!




Dott’s snow day

Before I talk about my amazing snow day I must once again, apologize to my regular readers. My lazy ass can’t handle posting this much. My last post was January 6. Now It’s January 28.  I keep kicking myself to do more blog posts, but it’s so DIFFICULT!! I am making my new goal at least 1 post a week. My average should be about 3 posts a week. Weeks will be Monday through Sunday. okay since that’s done with, time to talk about my first 2009 first snowfall!

Most winters where I live are kind of mild. We get snow but very little a year, so our school system freaks out when we get more that 1 inch of this frozen precipitation. Today all of us kids got a free day from school for snowy weather and then tomorrow we are out too for Icy streets. SCORE!!!!

Today was pretty lazy. Here was my fabulous schedule…

1. Woke up knowing about no school.

2. stayed up texting friends since 6:00am [couldn’t go back to sleep=( ]

3. chores

4. went to neighborhood friend’s house to have snow ball fight.

5. Made a kick ass snowman with siblings.

6. went back to same neighborhood friend’s house to sled.

7. went home to be lazy and write this post. (most of day spent)



This is our nameless snowman that I mentioned in #5. He needs a name that will fit him. If anyone has an idea on his name, let me know in a comment. If I like that name I’ll ask my family if we could use it for him. If your name Idea is approved I’ll tell you in a comment to this post.

Not named snowman’s appearance: Eyes= cherry tomatoes, Nose= celery, Hawaiian necklace, “happy hat”, and a rake. I know this seems totally random but please try to pick a cute name! thankies!!!

Strep luvs me:(

Well in the last post I did, it told you that I felt sick during the quinceanera. Well, yesterday we got it checked out by my Dr. and it’s strep throat. Again. The positive of this scenario is that I have two extra days of winter break! Negatives are that I feel Crappy, Every time I eat or gulp I’m in pain, Temperature in me changes rapidly, and I’m bored out of my f*ckin mind!  Not Even the two extra days of break can cheer me up!!!

The sad thing about me having strep is that I always get it, Like every month! Every time I stay out of school for a disease, I have strep. I’m a Streptococcus Magnet. It annoys me, and I think my mother, to no end. She might have posted this on her blog but I’ll state it anyway. When Tall T was my age, she had nonstop Strep throat, worse than me. Ivestory might remember mom when she was like that. She needed her tonsils out so that it would go away. We belive that I inherited the strep magnitism from her. I’m the only kid that got it 😦

When strep luvs you, it stinks. That’s why I’m writing this post during school hours.

This stuff is probably in my throat now

This stuff is probably in my throat now


Yesterday I was at a quinceanera for my friend, lockoneyes. A quinceanera is a Latin tradition that is celebrated when a girl turns fifteen. The whole thing is to tell men that she is ready to date. If you don’t understand, you can google it. But anyways, Lockoneyes turned fifteen yesterday and my sister and I were invited to this.

The Invitation was so funny because it had so many misspelled words on it, and there was a Japanese girl in a kimono on the front when it was a formal spainish gathering. Our whole family was allowed to join in, but mom felt uncomfortable being  one of the last adults, so they left and ate out without us.

Everybody under friends in my awesomeness nicknames page and more were there. Twin A and Twin C were overly dressed as if they were bridesmaids with too much make up… Baby girl and I kept it formal, but not overly. I wore a red shirt with nice black pants with NO make-up. Baby girl wore a blue and white short sleeve dress with fancy light jacket over top.

All of us waited for Lockoneyes, apparently it can’t start unless everybody invited was there, so we waited forever until they just said screw it and stared anyways. My friend who obsesses over guitar hero escorted her into the quinceanera. It was hilarious to think of them as a couple! Hyper and I caught up and talked to each other like she never left. I hope she moves back and goes to our school…

Everything was formal and elegant, and then it turned into a rap party….Wierd. well I got insanely sick afterwards and I’m still sick now. I’m beyond bored and sweating terribly. At the begining of writing this post I felt like my blood was frozen!

This pic was taken by mom, lockoneyes and Hyper didn't arive yet when this was took. I'm in between the twins and bi guy is on the far left.

This pic was taken by mom, lockoneyes and Hyper didn't arive yet when this was took. I'm in between the twins and bi guy is on the far left.

All my christmas stuff…

I have had a wonderful holiday break. There was lots of fun and effort put into this years Christmas. School has been out, which definitely lightened my mood. School will start on the third of January. I can’t wait! <- sarcasm. We have a test from Mrs. Evil on the first day we get back. It’s BEYOND mean…. we were supposed to be messing our brains up studying all break. Complaining about my science teacher isn’t what I was wrote this post for. I’m putting a list of all my gifts I got this Christmas.

Grandma T: Socks, Sweater, Money

Uncle Levi: Nail Filing stuff

Daddy L: Earings, Binoculars??, and a bracelet

Grandma S: Kings dominion passes, clothes, a robe, slippers, socks, sweet smelling stuff, I think there might be more….

Tall T and Cat Juggler: Sansa Mp3, Peace jacket, Barb Wire bunniez shirt, green under shirt, socks,

Babygirl: Nail polishes

Mr.Athletic: Punk kit

I got ALOT of socks this year… my dog chewed up my old ones, and they all dont have matches. hmmm, I wonder why I got so many….

New years resolution…

I am truly sorry for not posting alot. Responsibility scares me. I had to try really hard to even click to this page in my bookmarks.

My new years resolution for wordpress is that I post at least 4 posts a week, and that I comment on other blogs, even though I’m not great at commenting. 2009, I hope, will be a great year when it comes to blogging. Happy New Year My internetty friends!!    YAY 2009!

-Dott (0r Ms. Artistic)

YAY 2009!!

YAY 2009!!

101 ways to annoy the cullens

OK Twilight geeks, like me. After searching the youtube for hours, I have found something awesome. 101 ways to annoy the Cullens. If you have no clue who the hell they are, don’t watch. I personally love reason 33. I’m a Cullens fanatic but this is far too funny……

Beware, horrible spelling and very very long

Highlighters: Weopons of mass destruction!!

My little brother, Mr. Athletic, has been having some issues with school lately. At his school, to punish students they write a little note in their agendas and highlight the note. This is referred to as a “Highlight.” The parents have to sign their name under the highlight and then punish their kid. Ever since the School started, Mr. Athletic is gathering Highlights like no tomorrow. He gets in trouble so many times, and most of the reasons are stupid. A couple weeks ago, he got a highlight about not putting the date on his paper. mom wrote a rant at the bottom of his agenda, which pissed off his teacher. Now she’s giving him these Highlights for some really stupid stuff.

Usually I can’t care less about my brother, but this is beyond stupid. I want to march into his school and steal all the highlighters they have. I don’t know if that would help because they might mark the agenda with normal markers. The really sad thing is, he needed like twelve highlighters for school at the beginning of the year. Now we know what they’re all for! The Cat juggler has even said that if he knew what these teachers were doing before school started!

Today he got in trouble for using “dull’ marker colors on a paper. He was supposed to use Bright markers… what the hell, right? These highlights are getting more and more stupid, I swear!wow1

Warrior couple of the week

Okay, every Tuesday I’m going to post a warrior cat’s couple and define it. Beginning to End. If possible I’ll find a good picture or a youtube video to support it. This will be my photo Friday. If anyone else wants to join in, tell me with a comment at the bottom of this post or on the page at the top that says warrior couples. If I get more people, I’ll make good picture and put it at the top of here. When I run out of couples I’ll just do, “Warrior of the week.” and post a long story that defines a certain warrior. This week’s couple is……


This is my second favorite couple out of all of them 😉

This little love story started after leafpool’s Medicine ceremony. They fall in love and decide to run away, beyond the clans into a land unknown. Midnight, a friendly badger, tells them there will be a fight between badgers and cats. Leafpool is scared for her clan and decides to turn back. Crowfeather is heartbroken but accepts her choice. When they get there, the war has started and blood is everywhere. Cinderpelt, her old mentor, dies and is rebirthed into leafpool’s best friend’s kittens. Crowfeather and her are barely talking and are not even friends.

Leafpool: Thunderclan Medicine cat, brown tabby with white paws and stomach

Crowfeather: Dark gray tom blue eyed tom from windclan


On the seat behind baby girl and me on the bus, There are these two Hollister zombies. On the first day we came to our new home, they bugged us. Every day since then they complain about something stupid. They are known as “preps” or “flip-flops.” These are the girls who spray that Hollister perfume crap all over our bus. We get tortured so we found a way to fight back. Baby-girl and I have been creating little rants about the crap they worship. We say things like, the first Hollister was a dumpster in California.  They just grunt, ignore us, and talk about their newest boyfriends.

I’ve heard some pretty stupid sh!t, but nothing compares to what they said yesterday. Where we live it rains, right? So were used to drops of water falling on our heads. Well, it started to drizzle lightly when we got on the bus, nothing huge. They got on the bus yesterdays with umbrellas, raincoats, and their squealing. What they said was just too stupid. “OH MY GOD, IT’S LIKE RAINING!!!!!!” Baby girl started to burst into giggles. Naturally I did too.  Is a tiny droplet of water going to kill you? Will you melt and fail to get the ruby slippers? Will you scream, “I’M MELTING, I’M MELTING!” and turn into a puddle? That would be funny, but I can’t get my hopes up.
